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Cozy Office


The Coaching Test-Drive an efficient, cost-effective way to assess your personality through research leading personality assessments and 360-Feedback to uncover strengths and areas of improvement then construct a actionable Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) to create manageable change.


That research supports objective reflection for sustainable behavior and mindset change.  For those ready for consistent and focused support arrive at 1:1 Coachingwhere we access all of the above, plus 12 weekly sessions which provides consistency and accountability to develop leadership skills, kick subversive habits, improve communication techniques to identify and solve problems.

Hand Waving Out of Car


This is an incredibly efficient way to get under the hood of your personality with the use of industry leading assessments and 360- Feedback in a supportive, yet challenging coaching relationship.


We'll extensively review assessment data with a user-friendly, actionable PDF report and construct a S.M.A.R.T Goals Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)  for skill, mindset and behavior change.


Includes 2 coaching sessions:

  • 1st: receive your personalized report, review results and review ILP instructions

  • 2nd: finalize learning plan and receive coach support in desired areas

The available options for personality tests increases by the day and each practitioner may fervently stand behind their choice.


But here's the thing...


The most popular tests like Enneagram, Strengths Finder, Hogan Personality Inventory, Myers-Briggs, DiSC, The Big Five (Five Factor)...they're all helpful and accurate. You'll get excellent insights from any of these choices. 


I'll review your options during the consultation but if you (or your organization) have a personal preference just let me know!

a few notes about personality assessments

Business Meeting

1:1 Coaching

Business Meeting

Personality Tests

We complete industry leading personality and skills assessments to uncover strengths and challenges to narrow our focus for constructing goals

doing work together


Receive feedback through a quantitative ratings scale and qualitative data through face-to-face interviews that Lindsay completes with your participants. [more info]​

Young Businesswomen

Weekly Sessions

Consistent, challenging and reflective spaces that create accountability and emotional support for mindset & behavior change.



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